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logiciel pour le topographes


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Cartopro Evolution Bilingual 23.10.2008 | 13.2 MB


Cartopro allows you to create, compare, modify, copy or paste any trip on any digitized map even on your own photographed paper map. All your trips can be downloaded from or uploaded to your Garmin or Magellan eXplorist GPS.enjoy many more possibilities like simulations of travels, graph of elevations or drawings etc.Cartopro is the result of 14 years of knowledge acquired in regular GPS expeditions in many differents sports and country.

-Scan your maps directly from Cartopro

-Show on a larger scaled map the circumference of all your other maps

-Find the right coordinate format on the World map

-Add pictures and drawings to your maps

-Show your Maps and Point your data on Google Earth

-Calibration is Easy and accurate in 2 points. 1 minute guaranteed.For very poor quality maps,visual modifications can be made manually



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